Some light Reading on your sleep journey

Zoe Lelli Zoe Lelli

Is it the 12 month sleep regression?

Congratulations!! You have or have almost survived the first year of your little one’s life. That's a reason to celebrate!!! But, let me guess….. your baby

who used to sleep through the night is now waking up multiple times?

is fighting naps and you’re thinking its time to drop down to 1 nap?

is taking shorter naps leaving them cranky and overtired?

has started crying more, is clingy and in general has become fussier?

has had a change in appetite?

is mastering some cool new skills?

As a baby and toddler sleep consultant, I often read about and hear from parents who are concerned about their child's sudden changes in sleep patterns around the 12-month mark. This period, often known as the 12-month sleep regression, can be challenging for both you and your little one.

Understanding WHY these changes are occurring is really important when navigating this period of time. Together let’s unpack the causes and look at some effective strategies that will help you to navigate this phase with confidence!

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Zoe Lelli Zoe Lelli

Surviving the 8-10 Month Sleep Regression

Like all regressions, the 8-10 month sleep regression is just a period of time where your little one is going through lots of changes in their cognitive and physical development! It really is just a huge developmental progression, but unfortunately we do see previously good sleepers start to experience some sleep disturbances. This regression typically occurs between 8 to 10 months of age and can last anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. It’s a normal part of development, but it can be frustrating, especially if you have just settled into a sleep routine and feel like things were finally on track.

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Zoe Lelli Zoe Lelli

Turning back Time: top tips to manage Daylight Saving  

Top Tips To Manage Daylight Saving!

As daylight saving time draws to a close, many parents face a common challenge: How can I seamlessly transition my child to the new schedule without disturbing their sleep patterns? It doesn’t have to be complicated…….

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Zoe Lelli Zoe Lelli

what is sleep hygiene?

So what exactly is sleep hygiene?

Sleep hygiene = healthy sleep habits

As parents, establishing healthy sleep hygiene habits for your little one can significantly contribute to their overall health and happiness and can set up the foundations for healthy and positive sleep outcomes. To help assist infants and children in sleeping better there are a few simple things we can do to begin instilling healthy sleep habits from a young age. Let’s explore essential sleep hygiene tips specifically tailored to infants, ensuring a peaceful slumber for both baby and parents.

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