Introducing a comforter to your baby might just be the sleep secret weapon you need! Comforters can be a great way of helping your little one to feel safe and secure during sleep periods both day and night. As our little one’s grow and develop they go through various periods of separation anxiety and a comforter can help to provide them with that security and comfort they are looking for during sleep periods both day and night.

We know sleep and more specifically night time presents the biggest period of separation for our little ones, so a comforter is just the thing that helps them to feel safe and comforted overnight.

So, what is a comforter? 

A comforter is a soft, cuddly item that your baby can use to soothe themselves off to sleep. This might be at the beginning of their nap or bedtime and when transitioning through sleep cycles. They may also be used to offer comfort during the day in unfamiliar situations.

When to introduce a comforter

It is never too early to help your little one develop a relationship and connection with their comforter! However, ALWAYS follow safe sleep guidelines. Soft toys or objects should not be left in your little one’s sleep space during the first 7 months of their life as they pose a suffocation risk. Read more about this on the Red Nose Australia website here.

From around 8 months onwards is the perfect time to start using that comforter for sleep and when you are confident that they have the ability to manage their comforter independently.

So here are my top tips for introducing a comforter!

Tip 1 - Begin by introducing the comforter to your child during their awake periods. Allow them to play and engage with it with your guidance and assistance. Taking it on car trips and walks in the pram is another great way of helping your little one establish a relationship with their comforter.

Tip 2- Make it part of your nap and bedtime wind down routine. Once your little is familiar with the comforter, you can start incorporating it into their bedtime routine. Giving your baby the comforter to hold onto while you read them a story or sing them a song is a nice way of continuing to foster that attachment and lets them see it as a positive sleep association. When they are old enough you can then leave their comforter with them in their sleep space.

Tip 3 - Model, mode, model! How do our little one’s learn? Through observing! As your little one gets older, model to them during their awake period how they can use their comforter for sleep. Cuddle it, lay down with it and play fun games like peek-a-boo with it. This will also show them how they can remove it from their face.

Tip 4 - Sleep with your little one’s comforter for a couple of nights. This way your scent will transfer and it will smell just like you. How comforting!!!

Tip 5 - Have some spares up your sleeve! Trust me, from experience, it’s a great idea to have a few comforters on standby incase it gets lost. A great idea is to have a couple of the same comforter on rotation, this will help if your little one attends daycare or if it needs a trip to the laundry!

Tip 6 - Be Patient! It is important to remember that every child is different, and some may take longer to develop a bond with their comforter than others. Don’t rush and allow your little one to develop a relationship with the comforter at their own pace.

Tip 7 - Keep it Clean! For health and safety reasons, it is important to keep your baby's comforter clean. Wash it regularly!

Choosing the right comforter

When choosing a comforter for your baby it is important to choose something that is soft, breathable cuddly, and safe. Look for a comforter that is made from natural materials, like cotton or bamboo, and avoid anything that has small parts or is made from materials that can be a choking hazard. It is also a good idea to make sure that the comforter is small enough that your baby can easily hold onto it, carry it and manage moving it around in their sleep space.

Below I have linked some of my favourites!

Happy Sleeping!

Zoe xx


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