Choose your Dream Journey

Baby Sleep Consultant Packages delivered in A way that suits you

How to Choose the Right Sleep Consultant Package For Your Family

Every family is different, and every child's sleep journey is too. To make sure you and your little one get the most out of working with me, here are some things to think about when choosing a package.

What is your preferred method of communication?

Do you like the personal touch of phone calls, or do you prefer the convenience of email support? With my packages, you can choose phone, email, or a mix of both—whatever works best for you!

How much help do you think you need?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the sleep problem you are experiencing? Do you want a baby and toddler sleep consultant in your pocket every step of the way? Or do you feel confident in implementing my recommendations at your own pace and in your own time? Whatever level of support you need, let’s make it happen!