feel like you’ve just got off a red eye flight? overwhelmed? searching for answers to help Your baby sleep better??? then look no further! because You’ve just found your new baby and Toddler Sleep Consultant!

5:30pm - bath & bedtime routine

6:30pm - in bed

7:15pm - awake (false start *I thought I had nailed naps today*)…. 7:30pm - asleep

10pm - awake ….. 10:30pm asleep

12:30am awake…. 12:45am asleep (*whyyyyyy? surely you’re tired*)

2:45am awake… (are you hungry again?)…. 3:15am asleep (*ok surely we are good until morning now*)

5:00am awake for the day (*no please no 😭, I need just another hour of sleep at least*)

I totally get what you’re going though!

My journey to becoming a baby and toddler sleep consultant started with the same bleary eyes, sleepless nights, overwhelm, midnight feeds, exhaustion, tears and countless google searches in the quest for those precious moments of sleep.

My night-time itinerary looked a little something like this (with my then 8 month old)…….

After months of broken sleep I knew I needed help, and needed it fast!

Baby sleep consultant online help

Hey there!

I’m Zoe, Mum to two precious children, Primary School Teacher, Infant and Child Sleep Consultant living in Melbourne and the face behind Drift into Dreams.

I’m not JUST a sleep consultant; I am a parent who has, and continues to experience the ups and downs of baby sleep firsthand, (because my own kids are my toughest clients!) and because of this I am a passionate advocate for families like yours! I’m here to share my knowledge, experience, and empathy to help you and your precious bundle find the peaceful nights you both deserve.

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Just like many other mums and dads out there I have struggled with my child’s sleep, or should I say, lack there of! I had no idea that one of the most challenging parts of becoming a mother was navigating sleep. I lost count of the days where I wondered how on earth I was going to make it through the day, let alone look after a child on such little sleep. I was exhausted, stressed and anxious and knew that I needed help and fast!

I scoured the web, read books and turned to family and friends in the hope that I could find the support and advice I so desperately needed. Through this process I came to realise that there is no one size fits all approach to infant sleep. After many months, I finally found a sleep consultant who was compassionate, understanding and who took the time to listen to me and my struggles. They took into account my parenting style and my son’s temperament, tailoring the support specifically to us. It was the best decision I ever made and after over a year of interrupted sleep, we were all able to get the sleep we all so desperately needed.

This experience has inspired me to help other families struggling with sleep just as I did. My aim is to empower YOU with the knowledge and skills to navigate your child’s sleep and to help your little one Drift into Dreams. Never be scared to seek the support you need because it really does take a village.

Zoe xx

From dreams to reality…..

member of the institute of complimentary therapists logo
certified baby sleep consultant

The dream started in 2021. The dream to own my own business and give the gift of sleep to many deserving families. I became a certified sleep consultant in 2022 and since that time I have helped many families say farewell to their sleep troubles.

As a teacher I know that learning and growth are continuous. This is why I am also a member of The Sleep Coach Society. A mentorship and membership, where I continue to engage in the most up to date professional learning so that you get the best results.

When you work with me you, you not only get me, but the knowledge and expertise from the best online sleep consultants available.

your dreams come true

Text message thanks for improvement in early morning wakings for toddler
Google review of holistic baby sleep support.
Facebook review for toddler struggling with early morning wakes. We made tweaks to nap schedule and used a short long routine to help sleep during the day and overnight.
Google review of improvement in toddler night sleep. Overnight waking, early morning wakes to sleeping through the night.
Sweet dreams package client review. Improvement to naps and getting sleep back on track.

Are you ready to bid farewell to sleepless nights and embark on a journey to the land of nod?

Fill out the form below, or 📧 me directly at zoe@driftintodreams.com.au and stop losing sleep today!

Who doesn’t love a FREEBIE!

Grab you copy of my guide to Sleep Progressions and educate yourself on the when, why and what to do!