Is it the 12 month sleep regression?

Congratulations!! You have or have almost survived the first year of your little one’s life. That's a reason to celebrate!!! But, let me guess….. your baby 

who used to sleep through the night is now waking up multiple times

is fighting naps and you’re thinking its time to drop down to 1 nap

is taking shorter naps leaving them cranky and overtired

has started crying more, is clingy and in general has become fussier

has had a change in appetite

is mastering some cool new skills

As a baby and toddler sleep consultant, I often read about and hear from parents who are concerned about their child's sudden changes in sleep patterns around the 12-month mark. This period, often known as the 12-month sleep regression, can be challenging for both you and your little one. 

Understanding WHY these changes are occurring is really important when navigating this period of time. Together let’s unpack the causes and look at some effective strategies that will help you to navigate this phase with confidence!

I have no doubt you have noticed the HUGE change in your little one’s cognitive and physical development over the last few weeks or months. This might range from standing and learning to walk, communicating their wants and needs, getting more teeth, following simple instructions, learning new sounds and words, experiencing increased separation anxiety. Whatever it is, their little brains and bodies are working HARD! With all this new learning, it is no wonder sleep can take a bit of a back seat!

Navigating the 12 month regression (progression)

While this period of time can be challenging, there are several strategies that can help parents and babies navigate this phase:

Be prepared

Managing expectations is key here! When we know change is imminent we can be better prepared to deal with the setbacks. Remember this is a short term blip in your little one’s sleep - there are big changes occurring in their world and they need our support to manage these changes. What you do during this time is important in helping your little one’s sleep get back on track.

Provide Extra Comfort and Reassurance

During periods of separation anxiety, offering extra comfort and reassurance can help your baby feel secure. Ensure you are offering your little one lots of quality 1:1 time during their awake periods to help fill up their cup. We also want to ensure that they are further developing their understanding of object permanence - we want them to know that you are still present even when they cannot see or hear you. Playing games such as peek-a-boo or momentary separations followed by a loving and happy reunion are really helpful. These games will help with the separation that occurs during sleep periods, with your little one learning that you will always return. Gentle patting, soothing words, and staying with your baby until they fall asleep can also help during this time.

Maintain a Consistent Routine

We all thrive off routine! Now is NOT the time to start chopping and changing your little one’s nap schedule and daily routines. Keep the status quo! Continue to provide that predictability for your little one and keep your consistent bedtime and nap routine. 

Try not to introduce any new parent-led changes or associations that are going to be hard to maintain in the long run. 

Sleep-Conducive Environment

We know this is an essential element of positive sleep hygiene, so double check that your baby’s sleep environment is conducive to rest. This includes a dark, quiet room with a comfortable cot and minimal distractions. Using white noise machines can also help drown out background noises.

Practice New Skills

With all these new developmental milestones under their belts, it is important to ensure that you are providing them ample time to practice them during their awake time.

Daytime Activities

As our little one’s get older their need for increased activity and stimulation increases. Providing your child with lots of opportunities to be active during the day not only aids their development but it also ensures they will be tired enough come naptime and bedtime. Let’s build that sleep pressure!

Adjust Nap Schedules Gradually

As our babies get older the amount of sleep they need in a 24 hour period also reduces. If you are finding that your baby has started waking earlier in the morning or is taking a longer time to fall asleep at nap and bedtime it might mean it’s time to adjust their sleep schedule. This might mean shortening the length of their morning nap or offering them some extra awake time before nap/bedtime.

Don’t Drop To 1 Nap Too Early

Often parents believe that these changes to nap and bedtime behaviors is a sign to drop to 1 nap. This is just not the case. MOST (not all) babies will drop down to 1 nap between 14-18 months of age. Continue to offer 2 naps for as long as you can or until you are sure they are ready. If you are needing more help around nap transitions you can grab my free guide to navigating these here.

Ensure nutrition and feeding are on point

Changes in appetite and feeding can occur around this age. Whether this is an increase in fussiness or eating more or less than they were previously.  Ensure you are offering your baby a well balanced diet, incorporating all 4 food groups. We want to ensure that your baby is getting all of those important nutrients for their growth, development as well as to support their sleep. If you are concerned around your little one’s feeding habits please contact your preferred health care provider for further support.

Teething Relief

Provide teething toys or consult your pediatrician for other pain relief options if teething is disrupting sleep.

Be Patient and Flexible

Remember that this phase is temporary. Be patient with your baby and flexible with your approach. Consistency is key, but it’s also important to adapt to your baby’s changing needs.

Sleep progressions, although daunting and somewhat frustrating, are actually a really exciting time in your little one’s life. Just look at all the cool new things they can do!

If you are continuing to face difficulties with your little one’s sleep, please consider reaching out to me, your baby and toddler sleep consultant for more personalized guidance and support. I am a part of your village and am here to help!

Zoe Lelli - Certified Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultant

I’m a Mum to two, primary school teacher and certified baby and toddler sleep consultant. I am so passionate about empowering parents with practical, evidence-based sleep solutions. I offers personalized consultations and support tailored to each child’s unique needs. When not helping little ones sleep better. Connect with me today to start your journey toward better sleep for the whole family.


Surviving the 8-10 Month Sleep Regression